Thursday, November 23, 2006

Vancouver New Year's

I finally received the letter calling me to take the oath of citizenship on dec 20.

This means a few things:

1. I will be in Vancouver from Dec 17th to Jan 5th. Looking forward to seeing everyone there. Milena is still investigating the possibility of going with me or traveling to Brasil(I have to spell like we do there). Please let me know of your plans in Vancouver close to new years as I really want to see everyone and I know a few of you will not be in town. My plan so far is to try to hit whistler for new year's eve. Unfortunatelly I will no be boarding this year because of the knee.. (maybe I will have a chat with my doctor and will take it really easy).

2. No trip to Vietnam this year. We are trying to rebook the tickets to sometime in february. Maybe chinese new year's.

3. I will be finally CANADIAN. I am very happy about that and will be a very proud canadian. i have learned a lot with the people there and it's actually quite amazing to be able to be a part of it. Canadians have a quality that I admire a lot and have not been able to find anywhere in the world as much as there: people are fair and honest.



Anonymous said...

that's awesome Sandro, congrats on your upcoming citizenship!

Anonymous said...

Sua mae me contou e vim logo aqui ver as novidades. EBA! Voce esta chegando no final do ano entao :-))
Vamos nos ver mais rapido do que imaginavamos heim?!
Traz a Mila arrastada sim. A gente quer ve-la tambem!
Beijos e parabens San!

Kat said...

Red rover, red rover, we call SANDRO over!! YAY!!! Congrats on the upcoming citizenship! You can officially start putting "eh" on the end of everything now! Hope to see you in Vancouver...