Saturday, June 03, 2006

Mi and Me

Milena has arrived and we have been working in the apartment a LOT to try to convert it into our place. My boxes have arrived and I don't think I would ever be able to fit evrything I had in that apartment on Beach Ave back into an apartment of the same size. Not sure what happened but I think my stuff has grown on the move.

We have been unpacking for close to 2 weeks now and have not been able to go through it all.

It's been very cool to live this together. Sometimes we sit at the couch late at night and look at the achievements of the day, being a sculpture we put somewhere we really like or a wire we managed to hide and we just stare at it for a few moments and we realize we are actually enjoying this a lot. I never thought of me enjoying staying in on a sunny saturday to work on the house. I hope this feeling goes away soon and we can go play outside again. =)

Last weekend we took sunday off and we headed to Bintan, Indonesia for the day. It was a great adventure. We arrived there and rented a 16 feet catamaran and went sailing. The wind was pretty strong and after 10 minutes, the jib halliard gave way and the mast came down.

My only concern was Mila and the fact that she had no idea of what's going on or the dangers involved. For my luck the Jib held the mast for a few more moments and gave way a bit slowly which gave me time to make sure we were safe. Then the jib ripped and the rig came down. We got rescued and headed back out with another cat for a couple hours. It was an AWESOME first experience for us sailing a catamaran. It was blowing about 15 to 20 knots and we had only one hull at the water multiple times. . .

This week we had an unexpected visit from Ricardo (Vancouver / Bahia ) that showed up and we had an awesome time with him for the 3 days he was here. He was supposed to go to India but did not have the Visa so he ended up stuck here with us.

Well .. that's all for now ... hopefully now that I have computers and internet at home I will keep my blog updated more often.


Kat said...

Heya!! Glad to see that you two are settling in ok... takes time to make a house a home, eh? It's cool that you guys are able to get away to so many nearby exotic places...So many adventures, so little time!! Keep the stories coming! Hey, where are those wedding pics?? ;)

Anonymous said...

Oi San,
Estou tentando te ligar e nao consigo. Voce podia me passar seu telefone e a forma que eu ligo daqui para meu email ?
Vi que vc vai ficar na casa do Fabio e da Fernanda, ve se me liga quando chegar porque como te falei no tel vai ser meu niver dia 17.
Cade as fotos do casamento??
Beijos para vc e a Mila. Esta esta linda!!